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9 заданий по английскому языку. Industrial revolution – промышленная революция
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Industrial revolution – промышленная революция
Several influences came together at the same time to revolutionize Britain’s industry: money, labor, a greater demand for goods, new power, and better transport
Increased food production made it possible to feed large populations in the new towns. These populations were made up of the people who had lost their land through enclosures and were looking for work. They now needed to buy things they had never needed before. In the old days people in the villages had grown their own food, made many of their own clothes and generally managed without having to buy very much. As landless workers these people had to buy food, clothing and everything else they needed. This created an opportunity to make and sell more goods than ever before. The same landless people who needed these things also became the workers who made them
By the 1740’s the main problem holding back industrial growth was fuel. There was less wood, and in any case wood could not produce the heat necessary to make iron and steel either in large quantities or of high quality. But at this time the use of coal for changing iron ore into good quality iron or steel was perfected, and this made Britain the leading iron producer in Europe. This happened only just in time for many wars in which Britain was to fight, mainly against France, for the rest of the century. The demand for coal grew very quickly. In 1800 Britain was producing four times as much coal as it had done in 1700, and eight times as much iron
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Менеджмент организации
Законодательство Вавилонского царя Хаммурапи
Брачный договор по ГКФ
Салическая правда
Контрольная работа
Контрольная по ангийскому
Английский язык (контрольная)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку с применением словаря
Менеджмент организации
Законодательство Вавилонского царя Хаммурапи
Брачный договор по ГКФ
Салическая правда