Главная → Английский язык
Ответы на вопросы по английскому, РЭА, им. Г.В. Плеханова. Is any job better than no job at all? Do you think that a certain type of appearance is necessar
Дисциплина | Английский язык |
ВУЗ | РЭА, им. Г.В. Плеханова |
1. Is any job better than no job at all
2. Do you think that a certain type of appearance is necessary for some jobs? Explain why
3. Supposing you were offered a well-paid job in another country. What things would you take into consideration
4. What is the secret of success in business? Why do most people prefer to have their own business
5. Would you like to launch a business? Give some reasons
6. Is it easy or difficult to start your own business in Russia? What factors should you bear in mind
7. There must be a ban on smoking in all companies
8. What does it take to be a successful manager
9. Do you think that there are more (fewer) opportunities of earning more money abroad
10. What makes people migrate
11. How do we all benefit from competition
12. Money doesn’t grow on the trees. (Why do people have to work
13. What attracts people to join a company
14. What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur
15. Should a businessman be honest in business
16. A good salary is the best way to get people interested in their jobs. Comment on it
17. In your opinion what should be the main objectives of a company
18. How to make a million
19. How to cope with hard work
20. What is more important to you in your future job: money/self-satisfaction? What motivates people to work efficiently
Контрольная по латинскому языку, МГУТУ. Определите спряжение глагола и найдите в словаре значение этих слов: laborare,clamare, possidere, convenire,
The correction of phonetic and phonological mistakes in English consonants
Морфология английского языка
Semantic changes of a word meaning in the english language
Типология невербальных средств общения
Неологизмы в современой речи: необходимость или засорение языка?
Законодательство Вавилонского царя Хаммурапи
Брачный договор по ГКФ
Салическая правда
The correction of phonetic and phonological mistakes in English consonants
Морфология английского языка
Semantic changes of a word meaning in the english language
Типология невербальных средств общения
Неологизмы в современой речи: необходимость или засорение языка?
Законодательство Вавилонского царя Хаммурапи
Брачный договор по ГКФ
Салическая правда